Stakeholders include: Growers, Producers, Consumers, Regulators, Retailers, Environmental Conservationists, Financial Inst.
Lack of transparency into individual grower farming practices
Producers have large disparate network of growers providing source crops
Aligning Profitability and Sustainability objectives
Identifying and realizing yield/price efficiencies
Managing varied public and private data sets for decision support
Verifiable compliance & traceability reporting
Stakeholders include: Producers, Retailers, Consumers, Regulators, Environmental Conservationists, Financial Inst.
Lack of traceability data prohibits ability to charge premium for responsible sourcing practices
Lack of transparency into individual grower farming practices severely limits ability to enhance brand positioning with claims of sourcing from growers practicing responsible farming techniques
The SolutionStakeholders include: Growers, Producers, Consumers, Regulators, Retailers, Environmental Conservationists
Lack of transparency into the soil-to-process facility value chain segment prohibits substantiating market claims from Growers, Producers and Retailers of responsible farming practices from soil- to-table
Inability to reward (pay premium pricing) Retailers, Producers and Growers for responsible farming practices from soil-to-table
The Solution